Saturday, October 01, 2005
  Smackdown, or why I don't bother watching WWE anymore
Over at Online Onslaught, Hosehead recapped this week's Smackdown. And he points out exactly why I stopped watching WWE's shows. "Booker T and ultimately Orlando Jordan claim they were deserving of a US Title Shot. Teddy Long made a triple threat match between Christian/Booker/Jordan and would allow Chris Benoit to choose his opponent at No Mercy. Orlando won the match, by pinning Booker T, but Chris Benoit made a fatal fourway match at No Mercy."

So now, let's try to figure out the logic here: Booker T, Jordan and Christian have to wrestle a triple threat match. The winner there gets nothing, because Chris Benoit gets to choose his opponent at No Mercy. Huh? There are two ways to plays this angle that make sense logically: The winner of the triple-threat gets a title shot at Benoit, or you call a Fatal Four-Way right there. But Benoit gets to choose his opponent? WTF?

Before you ask, the WWE does not get points for coming to the correct conclusion and having a Fatal Four-Way at No Mercy. In wrestling, it's never about the end, it's always about the means. The end is almost always predictable; how you get to the end is what makes things interesting. Screw up the set-up, and you screw up the whole story.
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