Wednesday, July 12, 2006
  The new ECW - turning the corner?
Who would've thought that a rematch of a 10-year-old WCW championship bout would be the new ECW's turning point? That may be just what happened last night, as The Big Show and Ric Flair delivered a kick-ass, extreme, bloody, violent match for the ECW World Title. Both men really picked up their game for the match, which was obviously meant as a way to further get Show over as an Extreme wrestler. And it actually worked. Show looked like a badass, standing in the middle of the ring, holding up the ECW belt, half of his face covered in a crimson mask, thumbtacks stuck in various parts of his anatomy.

it was also a stroke of brilliance to have the thumbtack spot lead to Show getting pissed off and exploding in a rage of violence. That's exactly how Show should be booked: good while he's in a normal mood, but almost super-human when something really pisses him off. That was good stuff.

As for the rest of the show? Well, it's better than the last few weeks. It's definitely the best episode of ECW on SciFi. 'course, that's not saying much. Heyman's promo was pretty funny, though I'm not sure that's what he was going for. Dreamer and Test was too abbreviated to really mean much, though it was good to have Dreamer put up more of a fight than Al Snow did last week. I am completely over Kelly Kelley and her stupid "waste of 5 minutes" segments. My wife is sexier putting on her contacts than Kelly is doing her dances. Kelly's Expose needs to come to a grinding halt.

Oh, and Sandman finally did something noteworthy, as he caned Mike Knox right off the show. And hopefully out of ECW. I just wish that Little Guido could've gotten his win back before Sandman finished Knox off.

Seriously, though, Sandman is being wasted as the writers try and get his new music over with the fans. It's time for Sandman to stop playing with the supposed sports entertainment gimmicks and to Do Something. Anything. He needs a feud. He needs to wrestle in matches. He needs a chance to get over with the non-ECW faithful. Because right now, he's just biding time. And that's just wrong.

There were also teasers for a couple new ECW arrivals. Fertig the Vampire, who I'm sure is here to placate the network, and Shannon Moore. Interestingly enough, as the camera panned up onto Moore, I thought for certain that he was Luna Vachon! I get the feeling that doesn't bode well for Moore.

Anyway, this was a much better show than last week. And the main event gives me hope that, whoever is writing ECW has finally figured out a little bit about what makes ECW different from Raw or Smackdown. Hopefully, they'll remember that come next Tuesday.
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