Tuesday, November 07, 2006
  ECW - November 6, 2006
I am going to be short and to the point this week. I am actually watching election returns on picture-in-picture, and may be switching back and forth during my recap. So far, things have gone very well tonight. The Democratic party has taken control of the House of Representatives, and here in Colorado, Bill Ritter has been elected Governor. Unfortunately, we've also seen a horrible bill "defining" marriage as a union between a man and a woman passed. Just as bad, a bill legalizing civil unions was defeated. I dunno what to say, other than: Damn!

Is there wrestling stuff going on? Guess it depends on how you define that. There was some kind of Pay-Per-View on Sunday, but it really didn't amount to much, nor were there any ECW storylines set up. And, for some ungodly reason, Kevin Federline was involved. Add that all up, and you get one big, stinkin' pile of something or other. It really makes me grump just to think about it. So I'll stop, and move on to tonight's show.

And we are out. Looks like someone realized that fans were no longer buying into Bob Holly as a face, and decided to move him back into a heel role ASAP. I am down with that; Holly should be a heel in ECW. He fits in perfectly with Heyman's stable. I do think that we need to have someone trustworthy in RVD's corner next week ('allo Sabu, anyone?), though.
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