Thursday, November 30, 2006
  ECW - November 28, 2006
Ah, I'm all caught up again, and ready to get back to work recapping ECW on SciFi. Aside from a pretty awesome Hardy Boyz reunion/squash of the F.B.I., last week's episode was rather dull. It doesn't help that Bob Holly is in the main event. But what made things worse is that there was no doubt how the main event would end. There's no way that Rob Van Dam wasn't going to be in the Elimination Chamber, so there was no way that Holly was going to win the match. So why feature a match in the main event when every fan there knew what was coming?

Also amazing to me is the fact that we have a PPV coming up in a few days. A PPV featuring the Elimination Chamber and.... ummm.... Well, not much else. This is the wrestling equivalent of Phase 2. If there had been any thought to trying to build up an undercard, it could've been done. But no one on the ECW creative team seems to care much about consistency nor future storylines. Everything is about the main event, and there's nothing about anything else. I mean, seriously, what could you even do at this point? About the only feuds that were built up were CM Punk and Knox (can't do that since Punk is in the Elimination Chamber) and between Test and the ECW Originals (can't do that since Test is in the Elimination chamber). I reckon we'll have a Balls Mahoney -vs- Kevin Thorn match (yay?), but aside from that...

And of course there's the Elimination Chamber itself. From where I sit, you can immediately rule out Test, CM Punk and Sabu coming out of this with the title. Test and Punk I agree with; Sabu I think should be crowned champ. But if they were gonna put the title on him, they would've earlier this year. And they wouldn't be pushing RVD so hard the last few weeks. I think it is also safe to say that The Big Show isn't gonna retain the title here, too. Show can obviously use a little time off, and losing the title here isn't going to hurt him any at all.

So that leaves us with Bobby Lashley and Rob Van Dam as the only two realistic winners of the match. Now normally, I would've already called this match for RVD. Right up until Lashley joined the roster, I was certain that RVD would be getting the belt back at December to Dismember. Now, I am not so certain. Not because putting the belt on Lashley would be a good thing to do. Precisely the opposite: it's such a bad idea that I can see the current braintrust (such as it is) thinking, hey, yeah, this'll shock them all. And he's a WWE guy, too!

I'm hoping that no one is that stupid, and that we see what everyone's paying their money for: RVD reclaims the ECW World Championship.

But maybe we should see what happens on tonight's show:

Catch y'all next week!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
  ECW catchup - November 21, 2006
Okay, let's see how quickly I can get caught up on ECW! So there's no time for idle banter here. That'll come in my next recap. :)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
  ECW - November 14, 2006
Holy crap, I can't believe that it is already the middle of November. This month is flying by; hell, so is this year. And also quickly flying by is any interest that I might have in wrestling in general, and ECW in particular. Whether this is caused by a dip in the quality of the product or a change in my personal tastes, I don't know. But really, I don't care. The fact of the matter is that wrestling is becoming less and less entertaining for me. And considering that I am one of the core wrestling audience - one who sticks by and watches the product no matter how bad it gets - that is saying something. Maybe I am truly getting too old for this; wrestling is mainly geared for the 18-35 year old age group. Maybe it's just that, after years and years putting crap on the tv screen, it is possible to drive away the core audience. Whatever it is, I think that the WWE needs to pay attention. Unless they decide that sub-3.0 ratings are pretty darned good after all.

I was trying to decide whether it was this blase feeling I have towards the show in general that led me to dislike the Mike Knox -vs- CM Punk match from last week's episode of ECW. On paper, I shoulda been digging it. Punk won cleanly. And Knox was exposed as the no-talent hack that he is. Those are good things, right? But I was still down on the match in general. Whyso?

One of the trademarks of the original ECW was the idea that everyone was willing to do anything to make their opponent look good. It was an unselfish way to make sure that everyone helped everyone else out. Sorta the "a rising tide raises all ships" philosophy. And as a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, I am totally down with that. In the original ECW's case, this meant that when one person looked good, everyone else would look good too. A perfect example of this is Tommy Dreamer. As Dreamer worked his ass off to make his opponents look like a million dollars, he ended up looking like one tough badass in the fans eyes. This led to the Innovator of Violence gimmick which served Tommy well throughout the final run of ECW.

So isn't that what happened when Punk went over Knox cleanly? I am pretty sure that is what they were going for; trying to make Knox look better by having him lose to the very legit-looking CM Punk. But it seemed wrong to me, somehow. Mostly how quickly the match ended, how easy Punk's victory ended up being. It seemed too much, too fast, too quickly. A rising tide is slow and steady; a tide that rises too fast and too quickly is no longer a tide, but a flood, which can cause drastic damage. And that is what could've happened here. There's nothing to gain if Knox is jobbed out too quickly. He will just end up seeming overrated, someone who shouldn't have been in the ring with Punk to begin with. Punk doesn't get any elevation, and Knox doesn't get any rub. In the end, we end up with a match with a foregone conclusion that only exists to get Punk into the Elimination Chamber.

Or maybe I'm overanalyzing things again. I'm old; I'm prone to do such things. :)

Let's get to this week's show!

Ah, to hell with this. I'm not recapping a show I can't even see! 'til next week!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
  ECW - November 6, 2006
I am going to be short and to the point this week. I am actually watching election returns on picture-in-picture, and may be switching back and forth during my recap. So far, things have gone very well tonight. The Democratic party has taken control of the House of Representatives, and here in Colorado, Bill Ritter has been elected Governor. Unfortunately, we've also seen a horrible bill "defining" marriage as a union between a man and a woman passed. Just as bad, a bill legalizing civil unions was defeated. I dunno what to say, other than: Damn!

Is there wrestling stuff going on? Guess it depends on how you define that. There was some kind of Pay-Per-View on Sunday, but it really didn't amount to much, nor were there any ECW storylines set up. And, for some ungodly reason, Kevin Federline was involved. Add that all up, and you get one big, stinkin' pile of something or other. It really makes me grump just to think about it. So I'll stop, and move on to tonight's show.

And we are out. Looks like someone realized that fans were no longer buying into Bob Holly as a face, and decided to move him back into a heel role ASAP. I am down with that; Holly should be a heel in ECW. He fits in perfectly with Heyman's stable. I do think that we need to have someone trustworthy in RVD's corner next week ('allo Sabu, anyone?), though.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
  ECW - October 31, 2006
So according to the news from Scaia (and possibly other websites, but I only frequent OO, so I wouldn't know), there are major changes upcoming for ECW. The already watered down ECW is on its way to being castrated, too. And I can't help feeling ambivalent about the whole damned thing. The alleged creative team have done a horrible job with ECW so far. Every time there's been something good developing, the next week its gone (e.g. F.B.I., Tommy Dreamer getting tossed around by the Big Show, Sandman's push towards the ECW Championship).

Not that the new ECW hasn't been plagued with bad luck. First their champ and the man they built the new ECW around gets caught carrying marijuana. Then the next logical choice, Kurt Angle, starts wigging out. The man who basically carries the promotion for the next three months, Big Show, gets injured and has to have his work load cut way back. One could almost say that the new ECW has been cursed almost from the very start.

And maybe that's the way it should be. Maybe we need ECW to fail, to show Vince McMahon that all that he touches is not gold. Though one would think that Vince would've learned that by now (see WBF, XFL, The Marine... Umm, no, wait, actually don'tsee that last one).

Anyway, the new ECW brought us a few good things (Rob Van Dam's first world championship, Sabu's emergence as comeback wrestler of the year, a very brief glimpse of Bad Ass Kurt Angle, CM Punk's amazing popularity, Arial's b00bies), and it inspired a bit of nostalgia. And it got people like Sandman and Sabu back on our tvs in the ring, right where they should be.

Will things change here? Probably not so much. I tend to go pretty easy on ECW as it is, mainly due to nostalgia. I probably won't change that very much. I'll just be less invested in the product. Maybe that'll make me more objective, too, which isn't a bad thing.

Okay, enough babbling. Let's get to the show!

Hmm... this was not a very good episode of ECW at all. Boring, nonsensical, and for some reason, the "Great" Khali was on my TV screen. Add that all up, and you get one very bored Biffster.
A cynic's view of professional wrestling, ranting about WWE, TNA and more!

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